Aug 26, 2012


So I haven't blogged in a really long time...and I've experienced a lot of changes in life. So, if you actually read my blog- let me update you!

  • I now am a personal banker for Wells Fargo, and I moved back to Salt Lake City
  • I am single, because I chose to stand up for myself and not be with someone who was less than what I deserve
  • I have learned that to be happy- you have to surround yourself with positive people and happy places. 
  • I live in Sandy...and i'm enjoying every part of my crazy life :)

Now, going on to what my post is about- I recently got off the phone with my Mother, we talked for an hour- and these conversations I will never forget. She is the most amazing and inspiring woman anyone could have in their life & I appreciate her more than she will ever know. She said a few things to me that stuck out, and I will never forget it. Every time I talk to her I learn something and she gives me the motivation to go do something with myself. Today I did. 

She helps me remember how big my heart really is, sometimes I forget  that after dating someone for so long and not being treated how I deserve, and I spend so much time trying to make them happy that I forget to go out of my way for other people around me. No matter where I am in life, my Mom always reminds me who I am and what I stand for. 

We were talking about getting older, and life changes, we talked a lot about losing people we love and how important family is. She has a friend that started a journal for each one of her kids- since the day she was pregnant she created a journal and put everything in it- bad and good. She gave it to her kids on their graduation day. What an amazing present! My mom said sometimes she wishes that she could have been a better Mother for me and my brothers. All of a sudden, it hit me. Yesterday is in the past for a reason, no one can go back and change anything. Thats why today I decided that everything I want in life, I will have. No one wil stand in my way. 

I want to change for the better, I want to fall in love with someone who believes in love and truly respects me. I want to have kids and be an amazing role-model, I might even go to school...who knows. All I know is that I am 24 years young, I don't have a husband, and I don't have kids. What is a better time to create the life I want? 

So here is where I just applied, and where the change in my life will start.... Big Brothers & Sisters of Utah 
I will keep you updated :)

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