May 13, 2009

What Makes YOU Happy??

I stole this idea from my friend Whitney- who stole it from someone's blog... haha :) But- making a list of things that make you happy, makes you even MORE happy when you realize it. I think you should now, steal this from me- and post it on your blog :) Enjoy!!

* What Makes Jessica Happy?? *

1. Getting phone calls/ letters from Beau :)

2. When he says "I Love You"

3. Laying Out

4. Thinking about "our" future

5. When I get good "numbers" at work!

6. Finding stuff I didn't even know existed!

7. New Technology

8. New music :)

9. Holding a baby...and being around kids

10. Making people laugh

11. A glass of COLD milk after eating chocolate chip cookies

12. Love Stories that end with "Happily Ever Afters" :)

13. Making Fazukis!!

14. Getting a day closer to being with him

15. L-O-V-E

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