Jan 1, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Once again... I didn't really go out and celebrate, Josh had to bartend and so I hung out with his roommate till I fell asleep at about 1230. I just have never enjoyed going out and celebrating this holiday. Overrated. Anyway! I am super excited about 2011! A lot of people wish they had a new life to re-do all the things they did, and that's how I think of a new year, a fresh clean slate! I learned a lot in 2010.

There is a reason for people staying in your past, you can't see the future-you just have to know there's going to be one, happiness is contagious, karma exists, you have to go through the bad to really recognize the good, and money isn't everything.

I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me :) One thing I am especially proud of from 2010 is that I finally moved on from what I thought would hold me back forever. I really haven't been happier! I love all the people in my life and I hope they stay there for awhile! I can't wait to see where I go with this job, or if Josh comes with me.... but one thing is for sure, everything happens for a reason. I won't go into all my new years resolutions but I do plan on trying to live a drama free, fun loving- yet hard working, and happy life! Hope all of you enjoy 2011! Well.... we better, since 2012 is the end of the world.... ;) he he

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